
Merck Company run

14th May 2024

We would like to take part in the Darmstadt Merck company run together again this year.

On May 14, you can choose to run 3.5 / 5 / 10 kilometers around the Merck Stadion at Böllenfalltor.

The h_da participation fee is €10.00

We will take care of the registration and of course provide an h_da running shirt - we are happy to receive creative ideas or sayings for the design of the shirt.

For the registration we need the following data:

Running distance (3.5 or 5 or 10 km)

First and last name


Year of birth

Functional shirt size


Registration possible no later than March 01, 2024!

Further information about the run can be found here: darmstadt-firmenlauf.de