Students sitting on top of a sign saying Tropic de Capricorn

Practical Training Abroad

It is possible to gain valuable experience during a practical training (internship/degree thesis) abroad: You will get to know the working world of another country, work with a team in another culture, expand your specialist knowledge, you can "network" and grow personally through your experience. Various studies have shown that work experience abroad is highly valued by potential employers.

You have the possibility to include practical training in the European area as well as outside of Europe (overseas). In addition, internships can be completed abroad on a voluntary basis or as an integral part of your studies (BPP/BPS). You should discuss the recognition of achievements with the department in reasonable time prior to your stay abroad and secure the agreement in writing.  

Of course, you also have the possibility to browse through the experience reports of h_da students in the section "Experience reports" (in German). Maybe you will find interesting suggestions and ideas for your internship abroad. In these reports you will also find interesting information about housing, visa, organisation etc..

The organisation and implementation of a practical training is done on your own initiative and is also time-consuming. Good preparation starts with timely internet research to obtain all information about formalities in the host country and the host institution as well as the country itself. The first decision is the time of the stay. It is recommended that the stay should take place in the 2nd half of the study period (unless the study regulations stipulate a different period). Up to 12 months should be calculated for preparation.

Here you will find further information on how to find an internship.

On our website we also publish offers from external providers.

There are various financing options for practical training. In the European area you can apply for funding through the Erasmus+ programme. For the overseas area there is a "university grant for internships and theses". In addition, there are various scholarship programmes available at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). For compulsory stays abroad you can also apply for Auslands-BAföG.

If you are planning a practical training abroad, you should make sure to register in our Online-Portal MoveON. This is also a prerequisite for an Erasmus scholarship as well as the university grant and is  necessary for the recognition of achievements. Please send the printed registration form to us after submitting the form online.

There is no insurance cover associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant or the overseas university grant. Neither the EU Commission nor the National Agency DAAD or the h_da are liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage of property in connection with stays abroad. You are obliged to inform yourself sufficiently about the requirements in the host country and to provide sufficient insurance coverage. As an Erasmus+ or DAAD scholarship holder, you have the opportunity to be included in the DAAD group insurance plan, which offers comprehensive insurance cover.

Required insurances
-    Accident insurance for damage you suffer at work
-    Liability insurance for the damage you cause at work
-    International Health Insurance
-    Travel insurance if necessary
-    Where applicable, term life insurance (including repatriation from abroad)

Enquire in reasonable time (9-12 months in advance) about entry requirements of the host country. If you need a visa, you should apply for it as soon as you have received the final confirmation from your employer.
For overseas countries, such as the USA, various organizations (e.g. College Council, German Chamber of New York) offer assistance in obtaining necessary documents for a fee.
Before leaving the country, make sure that you register with the crisis prevention list of the Federal Foreign Office (ELEFAND). The corona pandemic has recently shown how important registration is.




Darmstadt Campus
Overseas Programs
Ina Schnakenberg (she/her)
Office: C23, 2.07

Dieburg Campus
Erasmus+ and overseas
Office: F01, 110

Erasmus+ traineeships
Office Darmstadt: C23, 02.07
Office Dieburg: F01, 110

Consultation hours

For our (online) consultation hours, see here.

Online language courses

The h_da Language Centre offers free self-study language courses in 24 languages (incl. German) via Rosetta Stone. Detailed info is available at their website (in German).