Financing stays abroad
There are many financing possibilities for stays abroad. It is recommended to inform yourself duly in advance and be well prepared. The DAAD brochure “Mit Stipendium ins Ausland” provides comprehensive information. Below we also briefly present the most common options for students at h_da:
KfW offers a subsidised loan/microcredit (max. €7,200). The loan is independent of the parents' income, can be paid out in different monthly instalments and can be combined with BAföG, for example. The application procedure and exact conditions can be found on the website of the Federal Office of Administration.
The DAAD is an institution of the German universities with the aim of promoting international relations of German universities. This goal is supported by numerous scholarships. In the DAAD scholarship database you can search specifically for scholarships for your project.
Students spending between 1 and 6 months studying and working overseas can apply for the PROMOS scholarship at the h_da International Office.
The DFJW is an international organization that aims to expand cooperation between young people in Germany and France and to deepen their understanding of each other. The organisation offers various funding opportunities for stays in France. All funding programmes, their requirements, benefits and application deadlines can be found on the DFJW homepage. Applications for semesters or internships abroad during your studies can be made through the International Office of the h_da.
Students studying at one of our ERASMUS partner universities receive a partial scholarship. The application process is handled by the h_da International Office.
Students doing a practical training in participating countries of the ERASMUS programme can apply for a partial scholarship at the h_da International Office.
The Fulbright Commission awards annual and travel grants for study visits to the USA. In addition, four-week Summer Institutes including scholarships are offered.
In this programme students in Bachelor, Master and Diploma courses at German Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW/FH) receive scholarships for studying abroad for one semester, internships or for writing the final thesis abroad. Students need to apply for the scholarship duly in advance at the DAAD.
Darmstadt Campus
Global Programs (non-european) & Partnerships
Ina Schnakenberg (she/her)
Office: C23, 2.07
Darmstadt Campus
Erasmus+ mobilities (outgoing)
Britta Bruder (she/her)
Office: C23, 02.07
available: Tuesday - Friday
Dieburg Campus
Initial consultation outgoing mobilities
Ramona Straten (she/her)
Office: F01, 110