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Erasmus+ funding for internships

What can Erasmus+ offer me?

For your internship in the Erasmus+ programme, you will receive a grant to cover the additional costs incurred during your stay abroad (mobility grant).

The Erasmus+ programme offers students a total of 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master) or 24 months for diploma programmes. You can complete as many study and internships as you like within this framework. The maximum participation period always refers to the study cycle, not the subject.

If you have already completed a Bachelor's degree and are now completing a second Bachelor's degree, you can only participate in the Erasmus+ programme if you have not yet used up your Erasmus+ quota in the first Bachelor's degree. If you have already received Erasmus+ funding for 12 months in your first bachelor's degree programme, you cannot participate in the Erasmus+ programme again in your second bachelor's degree programme.

You can participate in the Erasmus+ Programme several times per study cycle, regardless of the type of mobility activity (internship or studies). However, the minimum duration of each mobility activity must be respected.

The Erasmus+ quota available to you is generally considered an eligible period for the purposes of the Erasmus+ programme. At h_da, the period of financial support through the mobility grant is limited to 105 days for semesters abroad and 120 days for internships abroad.

Erasmus + Charter for Students

The rights and obligations of students in the Erasmus+ programme can be found in the "Erasmus+ Charter for Students".


What you need to know:

  1. How long can an internship be funded by Erasmus+?
  2. How do I calculate my total Erasmus+ eligible period?
  3. When will I receive the mobility grant?
  4. How do I calculate my final payment?
  5. Extending your stay
  6. Repaying or reclaiming the mobility grant
  7. What does "zero grant" mean?
  8. Grant Agreement
  9. Special funding

1. How long can an internship abroad actually be funded by Erasmus+?

The Erasmus+ mobility grant usually differs from the actual period of your stay and has been limited to 120 days (4 months) at h_da for internships abroad. Periods of stay that exceed this limit are counted as a "Zero Grant Period". However, you maintain the status of an Erasmus+ intern for your full stay abroad. Your Erasmus+ contingent of 12 months per study cycle will be reduced by the confirmed total period of stay (period of financial support plus Zero Grant Period).

You can also receive the Erasmus+ grant for paid internships.

For mandatory internships, you can also apply for Auslands-BAföG (German only).

The countries participating in the Erasmus+ Programme are each divided into a total of three country groups according to the level of the local cost of living:

Mobility grant academic year 2023/24*

Country group

Target country

Mobility grant Project 2022 and 2023


Country group 1

 Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden; Partner countries from Region 14 (Faeroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom

750 €/Month


Country group 2

 Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands , Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus; Partner countries from Region 13 (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican)

690 €/Month


Country group 3

 Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slowenia, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary

640 €/Month


Erasmus+ internships in the United Kingdom can no longer be funded through the Erasmus+ programme. For an internship in the UK you may apply for the University Grant.

* Due to the availability of funds and in order to make the best possible use of all funds, the International Office of h_da may fund mobilities within the Erasmus+ programme with Erasmus+ funds from other projects. The conditions and rates of the respective funding project apply.


2. How to calculate the total period eligible for Erasmus+ funding:

  • Start date: first day you are present at the internship institution.
  • End date: last day you are present at the internship institution.
  • Start date and end date can only be weekend or public holidays in exceptional cases.
  • Full months are counted as 30 days and additional days are added.
  • Funding is limited to 120 days.
  • If your internship lasts less than 120 days, you will receive funding for the confirmed internship period to the day.
  • If your internship is longer than 120 days, you will receive the mobility grant for a maximum of 120 days and the exceeding period will be counted as a "Zero Grant Period" towards your Erasmus+ mobility contingent. Your Erasmus+ contingent of 12 months per study cycle will be reduced by the confirmed total period of your stay (financial support period plus Zero Grant Period).


3. When do I receive the grant?

The Erasmus+ Mobility Grant is usually paid in two payments:

  • In the first payment (first instalment), you will receive 75% of the agreed total funding amount. The funding is usually paid out before the start of your stay abroad, as soon as all the required documents have been signed and submitted completely.
  • In a second payment (final instalment), the retained 25% of the funding amount will be paid as soon as all required final documents have been submitted completely. The second payment will be made after the end of your stay abroad when you have returned.

4. How is the final rate calculated?

The Confirmation of Stay of the host institution forms the basis for the calculation of the final instalment. For this purpose, the confirmed period of stay is compared with the financial support period of the first instalment and may result in the following consequences:

  • The confirmed period of stay is the same as the financial support period originally indicated.
    • You will receive the retained 25% of the mobility grant as a final instalment.
  • The confirmed period of stay is longer than the financial support period originally indicated
    • An extension of the internship abroad must be applied for 1 month before the originally planned end and can no longer be considered at this point. You will receive the retained 25% of the mobility grant as a final instalment.
  • The confirmed period of stay is shorter than the financial support period originally indicated
    • Your final instalment will be reduced according to the number of days by which your stay was shortened. If necessary, you might be asked to pay back the amount of funding you received that exceeds your actual period of stay. The minimum duration for Erasmus+ internships (2 months) must not be undercut, otherwise the entire grant must be paid back.


General conditions of participation and eligibility

5. Extension of your internship:

An extension of the internship is generally possible. Requirements:

  • You still have enough Erasmus+ contingent available for the extension
  • Your host institution and the Departmental Coordinator at your faculty at h_da agree to the extension.

You can request an extension of your internship up to one month before the originally planned end of the internship by sending an informal e-mail to the International Office. Requests of extension of your internship less than one month prior to the end of your originally planned internship cannot be considered for Erasmus+ funding. To do so, please also submit the extension consent forms of the host institution and the Departmental Coordinator.


Financial support for the extension period

  • If your original internship period already exceeds the maximum period for the mobility grant of 150 days, then the extension period is defined as a "Zero Grant Period” and unfortunately cannot be financially supported.
  • If the original internship period is less than 120 days, the extension can be funded until the 150 days are reached . The period beyond 120 days is defined as a "Zero Grant Period” (see below.


After receiving and approving your extension application, we will issue a “Grant Agreement Addendum”. You must sign this in the same way as the Grant Agreement and return the original to the International Office of the h_da All other documents that have to be submitted must then be completed and submitted to the International Office of the h_da, taking into account the extension period or the new end date.


6. Repayment or reclaiming of the mobility grant

Mobility grants that you have not been used in accordance with the contract must be paid back.

By accepting the mobility grant, you undertake to submit the required documents promptly and within the specified deadlines. If you do not comply with this obligation by the specified deadline despite being asked at least twice, the funding commitment will expire and you will have to repay the entire mobility grant.

7. Zero-Grant

The "Zero Grant Period" are days or periods of stay that a student participates in the Erasmus+ programme in but does not receive a mobility grant for.

All Erasmus+ eligibility conditions must be fulfilled. Your Erasmus+ contingent of 12 months per study cycle is always reduced by the total confirmed period of stay (i.e. financially eligible period plus zero-grant period).


8. Grant Agreement

The Grant Agreement forms the contractual and financial basis of the stay abroad and must therefore be submitted as the original. It contains, among other things, the duration of the funding period, the reporting obligations of the grantees as well as the intended financial Erasmus+ funding and the method of payment.

9. Special funding

Additional Funding

Equal opportunities and inclusion are key concerns in the Erasmus+ programme. Students for whom a stay abroad may be a major challenge should be given special support in their endeavours and can apply for special funding.

In addition to students with children and students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, other groups will be able to receive extra funding in future: Working students and students from a non-academic background.

You can find all information about funding criteria and application procedures in the information sheet on additional funding. You will receive the relevant forms by email from the International Office.

When preparing your Erasmus+ stay, we ask you to inform us about your situation and to estimate the additional costs that are likely to occur during your Erasmus+ mobility or in the host country. Please contact erasmus@h-da.de for this purpose.

Application for real costs
If particularly high additional costs arise due to your stay abroad, a so-called real cost application can be submitted a few months in advance instead, e.g. for an accompanying person, special accommodation, necessary therapies on site, care costs. A grant for a preparatory trip to explore the local conditions is also possible. This application is time-consuming, so you should contact us at least four months before departure. The following participants can apply for real costs: Students with disabilities, students with chron. illness and students with children. 

Data protection

Personal data are confidential and will only be processed in accordance with the respective federal laws to the extent necessary for your application and your participation in the Erasmus+ programme.

Further information

General information can be found on the website of the DAAD National Agency (NA DAAD).  

You are also welcome to take a look at the European platform (https://inclusivemobility.eu/ ) on inclusion and support services offered by higher education institutions, national agencies and ministries of education for international students.

National Agency DAAD

Detailed information and support regarding the Erasmus+ mobility actions are provided by the

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
National Agency for EU university cooperation
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn

Tel.: +49(0)800 2014 020 Fax: +49(0)228 882 555
