Four guests stand together and talk

Financing your stay

There are several possibilities to finance your stay at h_da, depending on your home country, the purpose and period of your visit:

Should you have a question, do not hesitate to contact us.

h_da Funding Programmes

h_da offers two grant programmes for visiting lecturers in order to expand international experiences at h_da, the so-called "internationalisation@home". Students who are unable to study abroad, for example, still have the opportunity to attend courses taught by international guests and to gain intercultural competences.

To apply for these programmes, guests need an academic host and department. If you would like to be a guest lecturer at h_da but do not have any contacts in the departments, please contact the Welcome Center and we can assist you with this.

Further information about how to plan a visit to h_da.

 Funding programme "International Guest Lectures"


  • subsidy to travel costs (max. 700 EUR for Europe/ max. 1000 EUR for overseas)
  • lump sum for accomodation (50€/night for up to 30 nights)


  • teaching at least 2 weekly semester hours (SWS)
  • also possible as comprised (block-) course
  • English as language of instruction
  • a public lecture about the topic of your course at the end of the visit

Please see more information in the call for application (see download box).

In order to take part in this programme, you need a host of one of our departments. They will then apply for funding by the Welcome Center (this is why the application document is only available in German).

HessenFonds Scholarship for Refugees and Prosecuted Researchers

The Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK) awards scholarships within the framework of the "HessenFonds" for particularly gifted refugees, students and doctoral candidates at the state universities in Hesse. The funding serves to continue an academic career or study at a state Hessian university.

Find the current call for applications here: HessenFonds for Refugees

External Funding

A lot of external funding opportunities are available for research and teaching purposes. Here are a few examples.

  • The German Research Foundation (DFG) provides funding through its many members from German universities, research institutions, scientific associations, and the Academies of Science and the Humanities. 
  • The DAAD's extensive scholarship database provides funding opportunities for students, graduates, and academics.
  • The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation provides research fellowships and research awards for qualified scientists at any stage of their careers.
  • The German-American Fullbright Commission offers exchange programs for U.S. scholars who want to research and/or lecture at a German university or research institution.