A large Buddha statue in Bali

Short Stays Abroad

If you do not want to or cannot spend a whole semester abroad, you can also opt for a short stay abroad. These can be: Erasmus Blended Intensive Programmes, summer schools, winter schools or language courses.

Summer or winter schools are usually 2 - 4 week programmes with a professional focus and a socio-cultural programme. The programmes are a great opportunity to get a non-touristic insight into the everyday life of another country for a short period of time and for small money, to develop intercultural skills and language skills and to make new friends. Besides programmes at partner universities and external providers, the DAAD also offers the GoEAST programme. In a two-track application procedure you can apply for a programme in another European country and at the same time for a DAAD scholarship.

Short stays offer students the chance of studying abroad who cannot or do not want to spend a whole semester or even a year abroad. In addition, there are various funding possibilities, such as the DAAD scholarship for the GoEAST programme or the university grant for short stays. You can also check with your faculty prior to the stay, if acquired credit points can be recognized for your h_da studies.

An application directly to the provider is required for the programs. 

Please also register in our MoveON portal and send us your registration. This step is also required for the application for the university grant.



Darmstadt Campus
Non-European Programs
Ina Schnakenberg (she/her)
Office: C23, 2.07

Darmstadt Campus
Erasmus+ mobilities (outgoing)
Britta Bruder (she/her)
Office: C23, 02.07
available: Tuesday - Friday

Dieburg Campus
Initial consultation outgoing mobilities
Ramona Straten (she/her)
Office: F01, 110

Katharina Niederhacke
Erasmus+ mobilities (short-term & non-European)
Office: C23, 02.11

Consultation hours

For our (online) consultation hours, see here.

Online-Registration/ Application

Apply for your stay abroad via our  MoveON-Portal.


University Grant

For short stays you can apply for the University grant under certain conditions.

Online language courses

The h_da Language Centre offers free self-study language courses in 24 languages (incl. German) via Rosetta Stone. Detailed info is available at their website (in German).