Illustration showing a computer and a log-in site, a student ID card, a globe and people being connected to one another

Online students


Together with some of our partner universities we offer special online programs. Please ask the International Office of your home university whether there is an online program for you. If this is the case, please apply to the program through your home university. If you're accepted for the program, your home university will nominate you (i.e. they will send us your name and contact). After that we will get in touch with you and will ask you to register in our MoveON data base.


Please register through our MoveON platform. Select the form called "Registration for semester exchange, online program, BIP or traineeship" and click "Start".

Registration deadline winter semester 2024-25: 26 August 2024



1. Registration form

The registration form is part of the MoveON form you're required to fill out. Please pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Please select "Study 'Virtual" under "Types of Study"
  • Apply using your full first and last name(s) (as listed in your official documents)
  • Do not write your name or other information in all caps. Only the first letter should be in caps, the rest should be in lower case letters (e.g. Ronja Schneider, Marina Zielke, not RONJA SCHNEIDER, MARINA ZIELKE)
  • Make sure you select the correct academic year and semester (a spring semester, for instance, is part o the academic year that has started the year before: if you'd like to apply for the spring 2024 semester, you need to select 2023/24 as your academic year)
  • Please submit all supporting documents either in German or English
  • Follow our step-by-step guide on how to fill in the fields

After submitting the form, changes on your end are no longer possible, so please make sure your data is correct and up to date. Thanks!

2. ID document

Please upload a scan of your ID card or passport.

3. Transcript of Records of your academic achievements

Please hand in a so-called Transcript of Records showing all of your coursework (all the classes you have taken so far as well as the grades and credits you've earned). It should be an official document issued by your home university; a screenshot of your student account is not enough.Hand in the document in English or German and make sure it is not blurry or otherwise hard to read.

4. Preliminary Course List

Please fill in the the online class(es) or project(s) you'd like to do in the "Preliminary Course List" document.

5. Additional documents

It's possible that additional documents are required. If that's the case, we'll notify you by email. 


Online students are required to pay an administrative contribution of 50 euros. We'll send you h_da's bank account number and further details in due course by email.

h_da account

After your payment has been processed, you'll receive a so-called master password by email. With this password, you can activate your h_da student account. Once your h_da account is active, you can send and receive emails through your h_da email inbox as well as log on to Moodle and my.h-da

Erasmus Code


Contact person

For general questions about your application

Marina Zielke (she/her) &
Ronja Schneider (she/her)

Incoming exchange students advisors
Office: C23, 02.10

for technical problems

Bianca Källner
Office: C23, 02.06