Increasing the international mobility of students is a central field of action in the internationalization strategy of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. The PROMOS mobility program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) makes an important contribution to this with scholarships for stays abroad.
Students at h_da are supported within the framework of PROMOS in the following funding lines:

Study visits - outside Europe

The scholarships, consisting of a monthly stip (column "partial scholarship stay"), are awarded by h_da through a quality-oriented selection process. The monthly funding rates are country-dependent and amount to 350, 450 or 550 EUR. From 2025 we can fund periods for up to 3,5 months. You can find out how high the current funding rate of your target country in 2024 is here.

The PROMOS scholarships are announced twice a year (November and April). Applications are only possible during the application period.
The application for PROMOS is made via the MoveON-Portal. The PROMOS application form for stays in spring term 2025 (stays with start date between 01.01.2025 and 30.06.2025) is available between 15. October and 20. November 2024 (23:59).

Incomplete applications or applications submitted too late cannot be accepted. The responsibility for the timely submission of ALL documents lies with the applicants (see box on the right). 

Updated on 16 May 2024

Funding is available for 1-semester study-related stays abroad outside Europe. h_da supports periods with PROMOS for up to 3,5 months. The following funding lines are available:

  • Study visits (between 1 - 6 months): Study visits can be funded. Applications from "freemovers" will also be considered. In the case of equal qualification, mobilities to partner universities are given priority.
  •  Internships abroad (min. 6 weeks to max. 6 months): Internships abroad can be funded for up to 3,5 months.
  • Theses (between 1 - 6 months: Funding is available for stays at universities, research institutions or companies to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. Applicants must already have a letter of acceptance from the host institution at the time of application. The stay abroad to write the thesis must be expressly supported by the h_da supervisor. 

Applications are open to all h_da students who:

  •     are regularly enrolled at h_da and are aiming for a degree
  •     are planning a stay abroad outside Europe
  •     have not yet been sponsored by PROMOS in the current phase of their studies
  •     are in a very good or good academic standing
  •     have sufficient knowledge of the lecture/teaching/company language
  •     have completed at least the 2nd semester of their Bachelor's degree at the time of the exchange programme
  •     have already registered their stay abroad on MoveON using the overseas form
  •     are planning a stay abroad for a maximum of 1 semester. 

PROMOS-scholarships are selected on the basis of the criteria specified by the DAAD. Performance-related criteria are a major factor in determining whether a scholarship is awarded. The decision is made by a selection committee of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences exclusively on the basis of the application documents submitted in writing.The following criteria are taken into account:

  •     Formal criteria: Timely submission, completeness of documents, compliance with the requirements for curriculum vitae and letter of motivation.
  •     Academic qualification
  •     linguistic qualification
  •     Motivation for the stay abroad and meaningfulness of the planned stay in relation to studies
  •     Intercultural preparation (e.g. participation in an intercultural workshop, buddy programme)

In the case of equal suitability, preference will be given to applicants who have not yet received PROMOS funding and who are studying at a partner university. The number of funded depends on the total amount of funding made available to h_da by the DAAD.

Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the procedure within 8 weeks after the application deadline.

In view of the increasing number of applicants and the limited funds available, it may not be possible to consider all applications that are qualified in principle. There is therefore no entitlement to funding. The decision of the selection committee will not be explained to applicants.

We kindly ask you to refrain from asking questions about the process.


  • Stays in the home country are excluded. The home country is considered to be the country in which the student has predominantly resided for at least 5 years.
  • We urge you to keep up to date with developments in the host country via the websites of the Federal Foreign Office, the embassy in the host country, the Robert-Koch Institute and the Federal Foreign Office's information on worldwide travel warnings.
  • It is essential that you register on the Foreign Office's ELEFAND crisis precaution list BEFORE your stay.
  • If the Federal Foreign Office has issued a travel warning for the country or region in question, the university may not conclude/issue a scholarship agreement/scholarship commitment.
  • Scholarships are calculated on the basis of full months (30 days). A full month is calculated from day 15. Arrival and departure are not counted towards the dates of stay; it is the pure study or work stay on site that counts.
  • Students who do not receive a PROMOS grant and who study at a partner university during their stay abroad may be awarded a lump-sum university grant, depending on their ranking and the availability of funds.
  • in case you receive a scholarship from another organization or applied for additional scholarships, you need to let the International Office know in advance. 

Not eligible for funding are:

  • PhD students
  • Internships with:

- International organisations (e.g. UN)
- EU institutions
- German missions abroad Goethe Institutes
- the German Humanities Institutes
- the German Archaeological Institute
- German schools abroad

1. Can stays at universities that are not partner universities also be funded?

Yes, but stays at partner universities are preferred if the applicants are equally qualified.

2. Can I submit application documents later?
No, all documents must be submitted by the deadline. The applicant is responsible for submitting all documents by the deadline.

3. I am a Master's student in the 1st semester and do not yet have a Master's certificate. Is it sufficient if I submit my Bachelor's transcript?

4. How much funding is available?
The funding is country-specific and amounts to 350 EUR - 550 EUR per month for a maximum period of 4 months. Currently, h_da does not award any travel grants.

Please note that we can only fund 4 month, if you study-related stay abroad covers at least 3 month and 15 days. 

5. Can tuition fees be funded through PROMOS?
No. If you study at a partner university of the h_da, tuition fees are waived. However, tuition fees do apply for Study Abroad partners and may apply if you apply as a "Freemover". Please inform yourself in good time about the reimbursement of tuition fees through Auslands-BAföG. You can also apply for a grant through the HAW.Internatonal scholarship.

6. Can stays that last longer than one semester be funded?
No, only stays lasting a maximum of one semester (6 months) can be funded. If your stay is longer than one semester, please inform yourself in good time about other funding opportunities (e.g. DAAD One-Year Scholarship or DAAD Combined Study and Internship Semester).

7. Can PROMOS be combined with other funding?
If you would like to receive or apply for other funding, you are required to let us know.

  1.   Erasmus+ and PROMOS cannot be combined. The same applies to SEMP (Switzerland).
  2.   BAföG abroad and PROMOS: PROMOS funding benefits are offset against BAföG benefits by the office. You are required to declare PROMOS funding to the relevant office.
  3.   DAAD individual scholarships and PROMOS: DAAD individual scholarships and PROMOS scholarships may not be claimed at the same time.
  4.   Deutschlandstipendium and PROMOS: may be claimed at the same time.
  5.   Other scholarship benefits and PROMOS: In the case of scholarships from other scholarship providers, a combination of scholarships from private funds and PROMOS scholarships is possible. However, if public funding from Germany is also used to support the stay abroad, the decisive factor is generally which funding purpose is being pursued. This means that PROMOS funding is not possible if the same funding purpose is already being pursued with public funds from Germany. You must declare the PROMOS funding to any other scholarship providers.

PROMOS is sponsored by


Darmstadt Campus
Overseas Programs
Ina Schnakenberg (she/her)
Office: C23, 2.07

Dieburg Campus
Erasmus+ and overseas
Office: F01, 110

Consultation hours

For our (online) consultation hours, see here.

Online-Registration/ Application

Apply for your stay abroad via our  MoveON-Portal.


DAAD Language Certificate

The h_da Language Center currently offers appointments  2x per month during lecture hours. Timely registration is required. 

Please note that the appointments are booked up quickly shortly before the scholarship deadline and it is best to take the test in the previous semester. 

You can find general information here