Decorative illustration showing a disco ball and tickets to the movie theater

Leisure-time activities

Studying is hard and as an exchange student you need a break sometimes. This page gives you tips on what to do in Darmstadt and the region: bars, clubs, boardgame cafés, sports activities and much more!

Students of h_da can benefit from these listed discounts in their leisure-time activities.


Sign up for h_da sports classes through my.h-da:
•    in Darmstadt
•    in Dieburg
Please note: there is a (reasonable) fee for sports classes. You'll find the details on how to sign up for the classes in their Registration guide.



More fun activities

Check out these fun activities as well!

Erasmus Code



Marina Zielke (she/her) &
Ronja Schneider (she/her)

Incoming exchange students advisors
Office: C23, 02.10