Decorative illustration showing the Language Café Logo

Language Café

Do you like the relaxed atmosphere of a café and want to meet new people?
Then our language café is the right place for you! Over a drink, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • meet other students
  • gain intercultural insights
  • have a chat in German, English or other languages

All h_da students are welcome, regardless of whether you speak German as a native or foreign language and regardless of your level of German.

Just stop by - we'd be happy to meet you!

The next dates in Darmstadt

During the summer semester 2025, the language café will take place on the following Tuesdays in Darmstadt:

08.04. •  22.04. •  06.05. • 20.05. • 03.06. • 17.06. • 01.07. • 15.07.

Time: 5:00 p.m. - approx. 6:30 p.m.

Location: foyer of the Studierendenhaus (C23, Darmstadt campus)
(our campus navigator tells you how to get there)

The next dates in Dieburg

The dates for the language café in Dieburg in the summer semester 2025 will be published here shortly.

Location: Café Zeitraum (F15, Dieburg campus)
(our campus navigator will show you the way)


Louisa Frenzel (she/her)
International students (full study programs)
Buddy Program
Office: C23, 02.09