Erasmus+ with Partner Countries

The European funding programme Erasmus+ offers the possibility of worldwide exchanges of university members beyond the European programme countries. The KA 107 - respectively KA171 - "Mobility with Partner Countries" funding line, established in 2015, supports the mobility of individuals at selected non-European partner universities.
Mobility with partner countries outside of Europe is reserved for higher education in the Erasmus+ programme. Depending on the respective world region, mobility of students, university teachers and university staff to Germany (Incoming) and from Germany (Outgoing) is supported.

The programme is announced every year in autumn. Department representatives have the opportunity to submit a project proposal to the International Office by 30.11.

In funding line KA171, academic cooperation projects with thematic focal points are agreed upon. Staff and student exchanges in these areas have priority.

Completed and currently running projects

Funding criteria for staff members

  • staff member of h_da or one of the partner universities participating in the program
  • minimum duration: 5 days (arrival and departure days are not counted), maximum duration: 2 months; typical duration is 1-2 weeks
  • teaching assignments (at least 8 hours if the total duration is 5 days)
  • work shadowings
  • participation in workshops and seminars

For more details, please get in touch with us!

Funding rates staff members

The fixed daily rates apply until the 14th day of stay; from the 15th to the 60th day of stay, the subsidy amounts to 70% of the stated daily rates.

Sending Country

Country of Destination

Amount up to and including 14th day of the stay

Amount from the 15th day of the stay


Partner Country

180 EUR per day

126 EUR per day

Partner Country


160 EUR per day

112 EUR per day

Travel grant

Zu diesen Tagessätzen kommen Fahrtkosten in Abhängigkeit von realen Distanzen zwischen Ausgangs- und Zielort der Mobilität. Die Entfernungen werden mit dem Berechnungsinstrument der Kommission ermittelt.

The travel grant depends on real distances between the origin and destination of mobility. The distances are determined using the Commission's calculation tool.

Travel Distance

Standard Travel

Green Travel


100 - 499 KM

180 EUR

210 EUR


500 - 1999 KM

275 EUR

320 EUR


2000 - 2999 KM

360 EUR

410 EUR


3000 - 3999 KM

530 EUR

610 EUR


4000 - 7999 KM

820 EUR


8000 KM or more

1500 EUR


Funding criteria for students (incoming only)

  • enrollment at a partner university paticipting in the program
  • excellent academic achievements
  • intermediate or advanced knowledge of German or English (B2 level)
  • students taking classes in the thematic field of the overall project are prioritized
  • students with disabilities or who are socially discriminated against are prioritized when presenting the same academic ability
  • minimum duration: 60 days, maximum duration: 12 months per study cycle

Interested students from our partner university will find more information on our website for incoming exchange students.

Funding rates students

Travel grant

The travel grant depends on real distances between the origin and destination of mobility. The distances are determined using the Commission's calculation tool.

Travel Distance

Standard Travel

Green Travel


100 - 499 KM

180 EUR

210 EUR


500 - 1999 KM

275 EUR

320 EUR


2000 - 2999 KM

360 EUR

410 EUR


3000 - 3999 KM

530 EUR

610 EUR


4000 - 7999 KM

820 EUR


8000 KM or more

1500 EUR


Social participation, inclusion and diversity

Students who qualify for one of these criteria have the chance to request additional funding (250 euros per month): 

  • students with a disability (equivalent to a German Grad der Behinderung (GdB) of 20)
  • students with a chronic disease
  • students with a child/children, who bring their child/children for their stay abroad
  • students who are first-time academics in their immediate family
  • working students

A top-up is requested during the the overall application procedure. A detailed description of these criteria are listed on the NA DAAD's website


Darmstadt Campus
Overseas Programs
Ina Schnakenberg (she/her)
Office: C23, 2.07

Katharina Niederhacke (she/her)
Erasmus+ mobilities (Short-term & non-European)
Office: C23, 02.10