Abbildung Globus

Staff Weeks an Partnerhochschulen

Als Mitarbeitende*r der h_da haben Sie die Möglichkeit, an einer Themenwoche ("Staff Week") im Ausland teilzunehmen. Die Dauer beträgt in den meisten Fällen eine Woche. Typischerweise wird während einer solchen Themenwoche ein aktuelles Thema aus dem Hochschulbereich näher beleuchtet. Darüber hinaus haben die Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit, sich mit Kolleg*innen von Hochschulen im Ausland zu vernetzen sowie Sprachkenntnisse und interkulturellen Kompetenzen weiter auszubauen. Von den Einblicken in die Strukturen, Abläufe und Best Practices an Hochschulen im Ausland können Sie sehr profitieren! Eine Übersicht über aktuell ausgeschriebene Staff Weeks finden Sie auf dieser Seite. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Seite.

  1. Aktuelle Staff Weeks im Ausland
  2. Weiterführede Informationen

1. Aktuelle Staff Weeks im Ausland


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IUT Quimper


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EKA University of Applied Sciences

International Academic Week 2025
Daten: 22.-25.04.2025



International Design Week

Institute of Design & Communication

Dates: May 9th - 16th 2025

The 4th edition of the International Design Week at the Institute of Design & Communication, FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences will take place from May 9th to 16th, 2025, in Graz/Austria. Following the success of our previous themes, we now delve into the complex layers of unCOMMON underGROUND in the fields of Communication, Media, Sound, Interaction, and Exhibition Design. The event includes a special invitation to the Grand Opening of the festival “Design Month Graz 2025” by Creative Industries Styria.

As one of 49 UNESCO Cities of Design worldwide, the city of Graz tries to create awareness for design, art, and culture, making them visible and perceivable in our society. Every year in May, the Design Month Graz brings together the design scene, promoting regional, national, and international networking. Our institute, one of the largest at the FH JOANNEUM, is happy to once again host international experts and contribute to the creative dynamics of the city of Graz.

We are looking for innovative and thought-provoking sessions that explore and dissect the multiple layers of “common ground,” “underground,” and the “uncommon.” Workshops should encourage students to critically engage with topics like design and politics, communication and media ethics, misinformation, cultural exchange, and the creative spaces in between.

We invite lecturers/teaching staff around the world to submit a proposal for a 4-day workshop until February 5th, 2025.

For more information, please see our website:

Here is the link to our application form:


International Staff Week "Sustainability and Well-Being in the Workplace"

Dates: May 5th - May 9th 2025

the staff week will address the two Grand Challenges Green Economy and Healthy Living. During the staff week, you will have the opportunity to engage in workshops related to well-being and sustainability and to learn from a wide range on best practice examples. The program includes a visit to FH JOANNEUM’s campus in Bad Gleichenberg, specializing in healthcare and tourism, as well as a broad cultural and social program. The staff week will be carried out in the form of an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program. This means that in addition to the week in Graz, there will be a virtual component on the topics of the staff week.

Participants have to cover travel and hotel costs as well as costs for possible activities outside of the organized program on their own. We recommend colleagues from our Erasmus+ partner universities (KA131) to apply for an Erasmus+ grant in the International Office of their home institution. Please do not book flights or hotels before you have received a mail that confirms that you are selected to participate. 

A preliminary program can be found in the attachment and on our website: International Staff Week - FH JOANNEUM

Registration will be open from now to March 16th, 2025 under this link:


Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno

International Days and Fair as part of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the University

Dates: May 20th to 24th, 2025

The event aims to strengthen and expand cooperation, to exchange know-how, good experiences and practices with international higher education institutions from EU member countries associated with the Erasmus+ program. All participants will be asked to prepare a short presentation or video about their universities. Thanks to the meetings and presentations du ring the fair we want to enable students to make more informed choices regarding their educational mobility. Furthermore the event will include a campus tour, workshops, cultural events during the University Patron's Day and several cultural excursions in and around Leszno. 

Participation in the celebration event is free of charge. Our university will cover all costs directly related to the event program, including transportation to and from organized tourist activities. However, participants are asked to cover the cost of travel and accommodation in Leszno near the university campus. You are encouraged to apply for Erasmus+ funds (Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training grant funded by the sending institution) or other available resources. 
Applications will be limited to 30 participants to facilitate the sharing of experiences and ensure more effective communication with academic and administrative staff. 
If you are interested in participating in our anniversary celebrations, please send us a message by the end of November. Then we will send you an application form with requirements and practical information concerning the International Days and Fairs. 
lf you have any questions, please da not hesitate to contact us  

A detailed schedule for the days and other useful information about the stay will be sent by e-mail after registration. You can register online.

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

International Staff Training Week: Engaging the Public with Science and Technology through Effective Communication 

Dates: 12th - 16th May 2025

Application deadline: 31st March

The subject of this event is complementary to the parallel 2nd International Conference on Social Context of Sciences organised at Wrocław Tech concentrating on Interdisciplinarity and Technology Assessment. The central theme of ISTW will be on how scientists can effectively connect with society and amplify the impact of their research by improving communication with the public. The workshops offered during ISTW will cover topics such as science popularization, leveraging social media to engage the public, and making scientific resources accessible to individuals with special needs.

In addition to the workshops, networking, and knowledge-sharing opportunities, you will enjoy:

  • City tour
  • Trip in Lower Silesia region
  • Gala dinner
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunches

If you want to present during the conference please submit the your abstract the latest by March 15th. 

The participation fee: 120 EUR.

In case of any questions regarding ISWT please contact us at  


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University of Economics in Bratislava

18th edition of the International Teaching Week 

  • Dates: 14th-16th April 2025
  • Application deadline: 25th February 2025 

Our International Teaching Week is open to teachers in various fields - including Business Administration, Economic Diplomacy, Finance and Taxes, Actuarial Science, Management or Marketing. The list of courses and topics can be found in the attached invitation.

We are excited to welcome teachers from different countries to teach EUBA students from 1st to 5th- year in English language.

The application procedure must be completed by 25th February 2025 via the online registration form -



University of Ljubljana

Erasmus Staff Week: Beyond Borders: Cultivating an International Perspective

  • Daten: 24.-28.03.2025
  • Bewerbungsfrist: 15.12.2024

Eine Anmeldung erfolgt über das Anmeldeformular der University of Ljubljana. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Jerneja Čelofiga.

Alma Mater Europaea University

AMEU International Staff Week: "Social and Technological Resilience for Health and Sustainable Development"

  • Dates: 10th - 14th March 2025
  • Registration deadline: 15th December 2024
  • Location: Maribor
  • Fee: 75 €

The purpose of the week is not only to invite your teaching staff to share their knowledge with our students, but also to bring together the RDI staff from different fields, giving the unique opportunity to build concrete and true multiprofessional cooperation across different disciplines. We welcome you to share your expertise, to plan and create new initiatives with the AMEU RDI and Projects team and the other participants of the week. Not to mention the exciting sightseeing programs for networking and fun (Maribor, a town surrounded by wine hills and wine cellars, was after all voted Top3 European destinations and No.1 European Culinary destination this year).

Contacts: / 


University of Granada

International Week

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Dates: March 18 to 21, 2025

This event highlights our commitment to internationalization, academic collaboration, and research excellence, offering a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and foster synergies among institutions.

 The program features a variety of enriching activities, including:

  • Plenary sessions: Key presentations on ARQUS universities alliance experiences and internationalization and academic and research activities at our faculty.
  • Parallel sessions: Dedicated spaces for teaching and research networking, as well as roundtable discussions on internationalization management.
  • Student interaction: Classroom activities fostering connections between local and international students and faculty.
  • Cultural visit: The week will conclude with a guided tour of the iconic Alhambra and Generalife.

Our Faculty is a recognized leader within the University of Granada and internationally, thanks to its innovative approach and strong commitment to mobility and academic exchange. The International Week is an excellent opportunity to explore new collaborations while experiencing the cultural and academic richness of our city and university.

Important Note: Attendees are encouraged to apply for ERASMUS short stay grants through their universities to finance their participation in this International Week. Please note that no registration fee applies. The cost of the ticket to visit the Alhambra and the Generalife will be assumed by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the UGR.

Kindly confirm your attendance using the form available on the website of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration []. This form will be available until February 15th, 2025. Only 50 vacancies are available for international relations office staff and teaching and research staff.

We look forward to welcoming you to Granada and sharing this enriching experience together.

Find out more on the website of the International Week at University of Granada.

Universitat Jaume I.

6th International Staff Training Week

  • Dates: 9th–13th June 2025
  • Application deadline: 31st January 2025

Over the years, the Erasmus + programme has undergone significant transformations and highlights the growing importance of collaboration among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through both traditional and innovative initiatives. In line with these objectives, we are excited to announce our sixth UJI International Staff Training Week, scheduled for 9th–13th June 2025. This event aims to foster connections and explore new opportunities for collaboration between colleagues. 

Our primary goal is to bring together staff members involved in internationalisation, whether from partner or non-partner universities. In particular, we will offer a dynamic platform for administrative professionals to share expertise, forge meaningful networks, and explore best practices across core professional domains for HEIs:

Over the course of five days, participants will have the chance to attend workshops tailored to their professional fields mentioned above, share their expertise, and participate in common sessions sharing the main conclusions open to all attendees. Participants will be encouraged to share their best practices and experiences on any of these topics, fostering mutual learning and collaboration.

To enrich your experience, we have also planned some enjoyable social and cultural activities!

Please note that this event focuses exclusively on training mobilities and job shadowing opportunities; teaching mobilities will not be included in the programme.

Attached to this email you can find the provisional programme and the suggested topics offered by the different services (IRO, SE, SLT, CENT).

More information in the International Relations Office website.


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2. Weiterführende Informationen


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