Before your arrival
Our emails may end up in your spam folder, so please check it regularly. Alternatively, you may mark our email address incoming.int@h-da.de as a safe contact in your email program.
These are the things you need to take care of as an exchange student before your arrival in Darmstadt/Dieburg:
1. Visa
As an international exchange student, you may need a visa to enter Germany, depending on where you're from. The Federal Foreign Office's overview tells you whether you need one or not visa. More information can also be found in our visa section.
2. Accommodation
Darmstadt offers plenty of housing options, from residence halls to private apartments. Finding a place to stay for only one or two semesters can be a little tricky - but we‘re there to help you!
Rent and application:
We have a contract with Studierendenwerk Darmstadt, a non-profit organization that runs a range of student residence halls in Darmstadt. Each semester, they provide us with a set number of pre-booked rooms in two of their residence halls, for which you can apply. The rooms are part of shared apartments and exchange students share their apartment with between two to four other students (these may be other international students or local students). The monthly rent for the rooms is between 400 and 550 euros. Additionally, students have to pay a deposit of 2.5 monthly rents (which you'll get back after moving out of your room).
So, how can you apply for one of our International-Office rooms? for this, just fill out the form we'll send you by email in June or July (if you're coming for the winter semester), or December or January (if you're coming for the spring semester).
Please be aware that:
- there is no guarantee that you will be assigned a room
- the rooms are rented out for one semester only (even if you're staying for two semesters)
- the Media Departmen is located in Dieburg; classes from the Business Department are partially taught at the Dieburg campus. Our International-Office rooms are located in Darmstadt, not Dieburg (Dieburg is about 30 minues away from Darmstadt)
- the move-in date is at the beginning of September, or beginning of March, respectively. If you arrive in Darmstadt a day or two earlier before the start of your rental contract, please make sure to book a hostel, hotel or Airbnb room for the first one or two nights.
- special deal: For the months of August, and February, you do not have to transfer a monthy rent for the room, if you have rented the room for the full period (March through August or September through February)
- the application procedure for our special International-Office rooms is through h_da's International Office, not through Studierendenwerk Darmstadt's website.
Important for everyone to know:
Some students search for "Studierendenwerk Darmstadt" on Google and apply for a general Studierendenwerk room before actually having received all of the information on our special International-Office rooms (all of these rooms are officially rented out through Studierendenwerk Darmstadt, but our International-Office rooms are different from the general Studierendenwerk rooms). Of course, you may apply for a general Studierendenwerk room through the website of Studierendenwerk Darmstadt. Please bear in mind, though, that the terms and conditions for the general Studierendenwerk rooms are different and generally more strict. As there are differences between the two types of rooms (even though they're all part of Studierendenwerk Darmstadt), we strongly advise you to wait for our email about our International-Office rooms before making a final decision about your place to stay in Darmstadt. This email is typically sent out to students in June or July (for students studying with us in the winter), and December or January (if you're coming to Darmstadt/Dieburg in the spring). The application procedure for our special International-Office rooms is through h_da's International Office, not through Studierendenwerk Darmstadt's website - the rooms are not available through the general Accommodation Service of Studierendenwerk Darmstadt.
You may apply for a general room in one of the many student residence halls in Darmstadt through Studierendenwerk Darmstadt's Accommodation Service. Applications for these rooms are managed by Studierendenwerk Darmstadt's Accommodation Service, not by h_da's International Office. A condition to apply for their rooms is that you're officially enrolled at one of the universities in Darmstadt. You'll find all the relevant details on their website.
Important: International-Office rooms versus general Studierendenwerk rooms
It is up to you whether you'd like to apply for one of the International-Office rooms or for a general Studierendenwerk room, but please be aware that the conditions for the two types of rooms are different:
- Rental period: Both types of rooms are rented out for 6 months. However, the exact rental period is different for the two types of rooms: The lease for our International-Office rooms starts at the beginning of September, and the beginning of March, respectively, because your exchange semester with h_da starts either at the beginning of September, or the beginning of March. The end of the rental period is end of February, and end of August.
The lease for the general Studierendenwerk rooms on the other hand starts on 1 April and 1 October and runs until the end of March, and September, respectivey. - Cancellation procedure: The lease for the general Studierendenwerk rooms needs to be actively cancelled by you if you want to move out; the lease for the International-Office rooms ends automatically.
- Number of payments: For the International-Office rooms there is a special deal with Studierendenwerk Darmstadt, according to which you do not have to transfer any monthly rent for your room in August, and February, respectively. For there general Studierendenwerk rooms, there is no such deal.
- Feeback on your application: It is very likely, that you will not get feedback on your housing application frrom the Studierendenwerk, as hundreds of students send their request. It is also not determined, when they send you feedback (it can take several weeks or even months).
Please bear these aspects in mind when applying for a general Studierendenwerk room.
h_da's general housing website provides you with a list of list of private residence halls and other housing providers. If you're interested in a room in a flatshare (called "Wohngemeinschaf" or "WG" in short in German), wg-gesucht is probably your best bet.
We also have a Facebook group called "h_da housing exchange”, where you can get in touch with h_da students who are about to spend a semester or two abroad and who would like to sublet their room – it’s worth taking a look! (But please note that h_da is not liable in any way for the offers published on these websites!)
Residence halls
If you apply for an International-Office room, it's likely that your room will be in one of the two residence halls "Karlshof" (Alfred-Messel-Weg) or "Berliner Allee" (LAB), but changes are possible. You'll find more information and pictures here.
Useful information when looking for accommodation
WG - Flatshare
In Germany, it is common for students and trainees to live in a flatshare, called wohngemeinschaft (WG) in German. This means living in a shared apartment with other students and/or trainees and sharing your kitchen, bathroom, and living room (if there is one), but having a room of your own. Most room offers are posted on wg-gesucht.de. This is a German website, but it has an English interface. Even though most offers are posted in German, you may translate them easily using DeepL.
3. Classes & Learning Agreement
In Germany, the final course catalog is available online rather late compared to other countries. At h_da, the course catalog for the winter semester does not post online before 1 September, the course catalog for the spring semester is usually not available before 1 March.
Even though you will not be able to select your final classes before these dates, you familiarize yourself with the classes that were taught at h_da during the last two semesters - and start preparing your (Erasmus) Learning Agreement.
Classes in September and March
Please note that some classes begin during our Welcome & Orientation weeks (in September and March). These comprise German as a Foreign Langauge courses (4 credits) as well as the course "Studying in Germany and Liking it" (2.5 credits). In order to take part in a German as a Foreign Language class, you're required to take a placement test. We'll send you all the details you need by email.
Classes during the semester
All other classes take place during the regular lecture period. This applies to the classes at your h_da department. You will sign up for these in September, or March, respectively.
4. Online get-together
Before your arrival in Darmstadt/Dieburg, we will meet up online to discuss the following aspects of your exchange semester(s) with us:
- the things you need to take care of once you‘re in Darmstadt
- the document you need for your final enrollment at h_da
- the types of health insurance plan that are accepted at h_da (for students from overseas & Turkey)
Our online meeting is also a great way to meet your fellow exchange students for the first time! After the meeting, your exchange semester will suddenly feel much realer and more palpable.
Our online meeting will take place in June/July for those of you coming to Darmstadt for the winter semester as well as in January/February for those of you starting their studies with us in March. You will be invited by email.
5. Enrollment at h_da
After our online meeting, you will be required to prepare your final enrollment documents. For your final enrollment, we need:
- a confirmation from a health insurance provider accepted at h_da
- your payment of the semester contribution
Health Insurance
In Germany, only people with sufficient health insurance coverage can be enrolled as students. This is why we are required by law to check your insurance status before you can complete your final enrollment at h_da. Your German health insurance presumably starts on 1 April (in summer) or 1 October (in winter).
Please note that receiving a Letter of Acceptance does not mean you’re enrolled at h_da. Enrollment takes place in two steps:
- Pre-enrollment on the basis of your Letter of Acceptance
- Final enrollment in person – will take place after your health insurance plan has been checked (and you have paid the semester contribution)
The following providers are not accepted for enrolment: Care Concept • CISI (Cultural Insurance Services International) • Dr. Walter • educare24 • Guardme • Mawista • VELA • other (private) insurances
If you are over 30 years old, different health insurance rules apply to you (private health insurance may still be accepted).
Please take a look at the type of health insurance coverage that is required to be enrolled at h_da.
Semester contribution
The semester contribution is to be sent to h_da's bank account before your arrival in Darmstadt/Dieburg (i.e. in August, or February). Do not send any money to h_da's bank account before receiving our email! Please also note that exchange students pay a reduced semester contribution (excluding the administrative part of the contribution).
- Students from Europe or the EEA typically have a SEPA bank account from which the semester contribution can be easily sent to h_da's bank account
- Students from other countries should check and compare online multi-currency providers such as Wise, Revolut or N26. Wise, for example, regulates their payments into the Europe through Belgium's National Bank, i.e. within Europe itself. This means that Europen laws apply here.
By paying the semester contribution you receive an official student status in Germany. This has many advantages:
- discounts for certain places and events (e.g. h_da canteen, movie theater, theater, parties etc.)
- the right to apply for a roon in a student residence hall
- a so-called semester ticket ,i.e. a travel pass valid in busses, trams and local trains all over Germany (valid from October and April, respectively)
Start of the exchange semester
The start of your exchange semester is the beginning of September (for winter semesters), or March (for spring semesters), respectively. We will tell you the exact date well in advance. We expect you to be in Darmstadt/Dieburg on the specific date we tell you.
Meetup App
Our Welcome & Orientation Days as well as the events offerend during the semester will be announced through our Meetup group called "h_da exchange students". Please download the Meetup app (for Android or iOS) and create a user account using your real name and using the Latin alphabet. We'll send you the pass code for the group via email.
Four campuses
h_da has four campuses: Three are located in Darmstadt, one is located in Dieburg. The Dieburg campus is home to all study programs of the Media Department. A part of our Business classes too are taught at the Dieburg campus. Check out our interactive campus map!
AirLiner bus
The AirLiner Bus takes you from Frankfurt Airport to Darmstadt. See here for more information.
Classes & exams at h_da
Here you'll find an overview of the classes taught at h_da. Make sure you select the right semester. For English-taught classes, select “English“ as the “Language of instruction“. For German-taught classes, select “German“.
Please note that the course catalog for winter semesters posts online on 1 September, the course catalog for spring semester is made available on 1 March. If the semester you need hasn't posted online yet, browse the classes that were taught last winter, or spring semester, respectively. Typically, the sam classes are taught each winter semester and each spring semester.
Information for students with disabilities
You’ll find details on h_da’s Inclusion Office (website currently only in German) and who to turn to for help in any inclusion-reated matters. The following website by the EU can also provide information on h_da's support services: https://inclusivemobility.eu/
Marina Zielke (she/her) &
Ronja Schneider (she/her)
Incoming exchange students advisors
Office: C23, 02.10