Counseling services
Psychological and social counseling
Studierendenwerk Darmstadt offers psychological and social counseling.
At Telefonsorge you'll find a phone number to talk to someone or you may chat with someone online (anonymously if you like). the website is in German, but some of the counselors will probably know how to speak English as well. In our NextCloud folder you'll find a video tutorial on how to set up an account.
Legal counseling
If you need help in a legal affair, you may turn to:
- AStA (h_da students' committee). Please read the infos on "Rechtsberatungen des AStA - Allgemeine Informationen" und "Rechtsberatungen des AStA". You can use DeepL to translate them into English.
- Legal counseling service offered by Studierendenwerk Darmstadt
Erasmus Code
Marina Zielke (she/her) &
Ronja Schneider (she/her)
Incoming exchange students advisors
Office: C23, 02.10