Decorative illustration showing a map of Germany and the h_da high-rise building

Extension of your exchange

1. Permission to extend your exchange period

If you'd like to study wth us for another semester, but have not been nominated for the next semester, both your home university as well as the International Office of h_da need to agree:

  1. Ask your home university whether it is OK for you to extend your exchange semester (if you receive a grant, for example an Erasmus grant, ask them whether the grant will be paid for the additional semester as well).
  2. Forward your home university's email to us ( and wait for our reply

Please be mindful about the fact that you're required to pay the semester contribution again for your additional semester. The deadlines are: end of August for winter semesters and end of February for spring semesters. Please make sure that we receive your extension request at the end of June (for winter semesters), or at the end of December (for spring semesters). Please don't forgt to update your student ID card and public transport travel pass!

2. Registration for another semester

If you‘re staying for another semester, make sure that you pay the semester contribution for the second semester in time. This is necessary to keep your student status (and have a public transport ticket) for the next semester. It is particularly important that you pay the contribution in time if you’re in Germany on a visa or residence permit (or would like to apply for one soon). 
Please check the deadline by which the payment has to be made and the exact amount (it changes very slightly from one semester to the next). Please bear in mind that as an exchange student, there is no administrative fee, so you pay 50 euros less than non-exchange students. Please send the money to: 

Name of Bank Account Owner: Hochschule Darmstadt
IBAN: DE51 5005 0000 5093 4000 17
Bank:Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Explanation / Reference: [Your student ID (“matrikelnummer”) + name]

About a week after sending the money, you can renew the printed information on your Campus Card (have your card "revalidated"). 

Updating your Campus Card (Revalidation)

Once the fee is paid, you will be able to update your Campus Card with a new semester ticket – please use the so-called “validation scanners” on campus for this by help of which you will get the new dates printed on your card. Please note that it may take a couple of days before your money transfer is credited – so you should wait some time before using the printer.

This is what the printers look like:

3. Extension of your residence permit/visa

Please also check whether you need to extend your visa or residence permit. You can find more information on this page about residence permits.

Erasmus Code



Marina Zielke (she/her) &
Ronja Schneider (she/her)

Incoming exchange students advisors
Office: C23, 02.10