General Selection Criteria
The selection for participation in the Erasmus+ programme is made in your department of studies by the departmental coordinators. The following criteria may be decisive:
- Professional requirements: To be able to participate in and successfully pass the desired courses abroad.
- Your previous study and examination achievements
- Personal suitability
- Knowledge of the language in the host country or the language of instruction of the partner university
Internal application Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da)
- Complete the online application.
- With Erasmus+, you apply for the BIP and the financial support at the same time.
- The application and uploaded documents are submitted as a PDF to erasmus-bip@h-da.de.
- Please note the individual application deadline for each BIP.
- After the application deadline and, if applicable, a selection procedure at the department (if there are more applications than places available): Internal nomination by the international representatives to the International Office.
- Confirmation email from the International Office to all selected applicants with the next steps.
- The International Office nominates students at the respective partner university.
- Students create the Online Learning Agreement and thus the advance recognition of the work completed. To do this, you should consult with the international coordinatorin your department and / or the responsible person of the BIP.
- Submit further documents to the International Office.
Applying at the Host University
- Before you can apply to the host university, you must be nominated by us, otherwise your application cannot be accepted there. We will inform you as soon as you have been nominated for your partner university.
- Once you have been nominated, you can apply directly to the host university for the BIP. Please note the individual application deadlines and required application documents. You will usually receive an email from the partner university shortly after our nomination with information about the application process.
- After your application, it will take a while until you receive a final acceptance letter from the partner university. During this time, you will work on the Erasmus documents required for your stay.
Katharina Niederhacke
Erasmus+ mobilities (short-term & non-European)
Office: C23, 02.11
Experience reports
What have other students experienced during their stays abroad? Read their inspiring reports!
Online language courses
The h_da Language Centre offers free self-study language courses in 24 languages (incl. German) via Rosetta Stone. Detailed info is available at their website (in German).