Documents to be submitted for Erasmus+ studies abroad
… before starting your studies abroad
• Online application (incl. grades, language certificates, preliminary course list, motivation)
• current enrollment certificate
• Online Learning Agreement
• Grant Agreement (contract for stipend; will be sent to you)
• mandatory language test on Online Linguistic Support Plattform (OLS) of the EU (sent per mail)
• There are possibilities to apply for additional funding: top-up funding to participants with fewer opportunities and/or funding of additional travel days: Please read the infosheet on additional funding. You will recieve the respective application documents after your application for the overall exchange
... during your stay abroad
• Confirmation of Arrival
• only if courses need to be changed: Changes to your Online Learning Agreements
... after finishing your studies abroad
- Confirmation of Stay
- Transcript of Records of partner university
- Mandatory Participant Report in the Beneficiary Module of the EU (you will receive an automatic invitation by e-mail)
- Experience Report for the Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da) & Privacy Policy
- Proof of recognized credits from abroad either by handing in this form (please download the form and do not complete in the web browser, only works on PC, not on tablets or smartphones, use the newest Adobe version) or by my.hda pdf transcript (please mark the respective credits)
You took great photos during your stay abroad that inspire wanderlust in your fellow students? We would love to publish your photos on our website, social media channels, presentations and promotional materials. If you would like to support us, please send us your photos in addition to the "Declaration of Rights to the Image".
Online Learning Agreement (OLA)
Learning Agreement completion tips:
Achievements to be made:
- Aim for a workload of 30 ECTS (corresponds to 1 semester).
- Successfully complete at least 20 ECTS
- Courses should consist of approx. 2/3 subject courses (not language courses)
- You can complement subject courses with extra-curricular courses like language or intercultural courses. Please also list these in your OLA. These courses may be credited as language courses or "SuK" courses.
Darmstadt Campus
Erasmus+ mobilities (outgoing)
Britta Bruder (she/her)
Office: C23, 02.07
available: Tuesday - Friday
Dieburg Campus
Initial consultation outgoing mobilities
Ramona Straten (she/her)
Office: F01, 110
The h_da Language Centre offers free self-study language courses in 24 languages (incl. German) via Rosetta Stone. Detailed info is available at their website (in German).