A castle in Irelad with a lake in the front


Application Deadlines:

You can apply for an Erasmus+ Internship abroad at any time. There are no fixed application deadlines. However, your application must reach the International Office at least 1 month before the start of the internship.

If you do not submit your application documents by the deadline, the Erasmus+ funding will be possible at the earliest 1 month from the date of receipt of the complete documents in the International Office.

Retroactive funding of your internship abroad is generally excluded.

Application Process:

  1. Signed application form
  2. signed certificate "Student Mobility Internship" (see above)
  3. current matriculation/enrollment certificate
  • Draw up the Learning Agreement in consultation with the foreign representative and the host institution, have it signed by them and submit it to the International Office of the h_da by email (erasmus-praktikum@h-da.de) before the start of the internship.
  • Ensure that you have compulsory insurance cover for internships abroad: accident and liability insurance are mandatory and absolutely essential. Insurance cover for this may be possible via the host institution (please clarify with the host institution). Otherwise, private insurance cover must be arranged. It is possible to join the  DAAD group insurance. if you do not have your own insurance cover. Please report the names of the insurance companies and the respective insurance policy numbers to the International Office of the h_da erasmus-praktikum@h-da.de (necessary for issuing the Grant Agreement).
  • 3 to 4 weeks before the start of the internship: Completion of the Grant Agreement. Please note: the Grant Agreement can only be issued after receipt of the fully signed Learning Agreement.
  • Compulsory OLS test: You will receive an automatic invitation by e-mail. Please also check your spam folder regularly.

For a graduate traineeship the following additional conditions apply:

Important: Submitting the documents

All Erasmus documents submitted by email to the International Office should be sent to the following email address: erasmus-praktikum@h-da.de.

For all documents that have to be submitted to us in the original, you will find the postal address in the infobox.


Erasmus+ traineeships
Office Darmstadt: C23, 02.07
Office Dieburg: F01, 110

Postal address International Office

Hochschule Darmstadt
International Office
Schöfferstraße 3
64295 Darmstadt

Consultation hours

For our (online) consultation hours, see here.



Experience reports

What have other students experienced during their stays abroad? Read their inspiring reports!


Online language courses

The h_da Language Centre offers free self-study language courses in 24 languages (incl. German) via Rosetta Stone. Detailed info is available at their website (in German).