The organisation and realization of an internship abroad is done on one's own initiative and is time-consuming. Good preparation starts with timely research to have all information at hand about formalities in the host country and the host institution as well as the country itself. A first decision is the period of stay. If the study regulations do not specify a time period for an internship, the stay is recommended to take place in the second half of your studies. However, it can generally be integrated into your course of studies as you prefer. You should plan up to 12 months for the preparation.
Sources of Information
- #kurzerklärt videos of the DAAD
- Our regular information events:
- “Fernweh” Day (at least once a semester)
- Study Abroad Fair
- Individually arranged counselling sessions or open Zoom consultation hours
- Our Moodle course "Stays Abroad"
- Our social media channels
- Departmental coordinators in your department (for academic questions concerning credit transfer)
How do I find an internship abroad?
Special Features of Erasmus+ Internships
- Your internship must take place in one of the Erasmus+ programme countries, which is not your country of residence.
- You must be an enrolled student at the h_da and pursue your degree at the h_da. Students who are exchange students at the h_da cannot participate in Erasmus+ stays abroad.
- Minimum duration: 2 months (60 days)
- Maximum duration: 12 months (360 days) or your remaining Erasmus+ contingent considering previous Erasmus+ participation in the same study cycle
- Your internship is a study-related full-time internship
- Erasmus+ internships are possible from the first semester onwards
- You need at least liability insurance for damage that may be caused at the workplace and accident insurance for damage that you may suffer at the workplace. These must each be valid for other European countries
- An Erasmus+ internship is also possible as a graduate traineeship after your graduation.
Which institutions are eligible for Erasmus+ internships?
- Host institutions can be companies, research institutes, universities (partner or non-partner universities), NGOs and international organisations.
- Placements at Erasmus+ partner institutions may be funded as Erasmus+ studies with a "Learning Agreement for Studies", depending on the type and content of the placement.
The following institutions are not eligible for an Erasmus+ internships:
- EU institutions and other EU bodies, including specialised agencies and bodies managing EU programmes (full list). This is to avoid conflicts of interest and double funding.
Language Skills
- You should have sufficient language skills in the working language of the host institution
- Prepare yourself with a language course for the stay abroad
- Before starting your internship, you must take a compulsory language test via the EU's Online Linguistic Support (OLS) portal. After that, the OLS portal offers online language courses that can support you before and during your internship.
- You have the possibilty to receive an Erasmus+ grant for a language course in your host country prior to your Erasmus+ internship for up to 14 days.
Erasmus+ Graduate Internship
You missed the chance to include an Erasmus+ internship in your studies? The Erasmus+ programme offers you the opportunity to do an internship abroad even after you graduate: After your Bachelor's degree, if you are not planning to continue with a Master's programme or are not sure whether you want to continue with a Master's course. An Erasmus+ graduate internship is similar to an Erasmus+ internship during your studies. Nevertheless, there are some differences that distinguish the graduate internship, including the application process:
- The internship may only begin after exmatriculation. It must be started and completed within one year after exmatriculation.
- Minimum duration: 2 months
- Maximum duration: 12 months (or your remaining Erasmus+ contingent)
- The duration of the internship counts towards the maximum Erasmus+ contingent of 12 months of the previously completed degree.
- For example, if you have a Bachelor's degree and have already completed a study period of eight months in this study cycle, four months remain for a graduate traineeship within the Erasmus+ programme.
Insurance Cover
No insurance cover is associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant. Neither the EU Commission, the DAAD nor the Hochschule Darmstadt are liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with Erasmus+ stays abroad.
You are obligated to inform yourself sufficiently about the requirements and general circumstances in the host country and to ensure that you have sufficient insurance cover.
For internships abroad, you should consider special regulations on health insurance in your country of destination. You should be in possession of a European health insurance card. This card opens up access to medically necessary public health services in EU countries as well as in Great Britain, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the same conditions and costs that apply to citizens of the respective country.
Depending on whether your internship is paid or unpaid, whether you are doing an internship during your studies or after graduation (graduate internship), your European Health Insurance Card may be sufficient, or it may be necessary to take compulsory health insurance in the destination country. It is best to enquire with your German health insurance and get detailed advice from them.
Compulsory Insurances for the Erasmus+ Internship:
- Accident insurance for damage you could suffer at work
- Liability insurance for the damage you could cause at work
Recommended Insurance for the Erasmus+ Internship:
- Health insurance abroad (if necessary, check for pandemic cover)
- Travel insurance (including repatriation from abroad)
You have the opportunity to be included in the DAAD's group insurance, which offers a comprehensive insurance cover.
You can finance insurance costs from the Erasmus+ mobility grant, but there is no direct cost coverage by the Erasmus+ programme.
Erasmus+ traineeships
Ramona Straten (she/her)
Office Darmstadt Campus: C23, 02.11
Office Dieburg Campus: F01, 110