A lake in Sonfjället, Sweden


12-18 Months Before:

  • Start thinking about your stay abroad and make preparations. Take advantage of our information offers or get advice during our office hours.
  • Also discuss your considerations with your departmental coordinators (“Auslandsbeauftragte”), who can advise you on academic issues in particular.
  • You should answer the following questions for yourself as early as possible


At Least 7 Months Before

  • Application in the International Office via MoveON and the according documents - with the Erasmus application you automatically apply for a study place and Erasmus+ funding at the same time. No separate application for the financial support of Erasmus+ is necessary.


6 Months Before


4-6 Months Before


  • Nomination by the International Office at the partner universities
  • Semester abroad in the winter semester: March to May
  • Semester abroad in the summer semester: September to December
  • Confirmation of the nomination to the students
  • After nomination: independent application of the students at the partner university
  • Language: If you plan a language course in your host country prior to your Erasmus+ semester, you have the possibilty to receive an additional Erasmus+ grant for up to 14 days.

3-4 Months Before

  • Sending out of acceptance confirmations by the partner universities
  • Detailed planning of the semester abroad
  • Check your insurance cover for your stay abroad!


1-2 Months Before

  • Pre-Departure Meeting by the International Office
  • Semester abroad in winter semester: approx. June/July
  • Semester abroad in summer semester: approx. December
  • Issuing of the Grant Agreement by the International Office.
  • Important: The scholarship agreement can only be issued if the Online Learning Agreement has been submitted fully signed!
  • Submission of the original Grant Agreement signed by the student to the International Office (postal address)


Start of the Semester Abroad

  • Approximately August/September (winter semester) or January/February (summer semester)
  • Payment of the first Erasmus+ funding instalment (75% of the funding amount)
  • Submitting other Erasmus+ documents


End of Semester Abroad

Recognition Process


General Explanations

The Lisbon Convention has been part of the ABPO (General Provisions for Examination Regulations) of the h_da since 2015. This means that you have a right of credit recognition of the courses completed abroad, provided that there is equivalence in terms of content with regard to your degree programme.

Therefore, the following applies to all study-related stays abroad (study, internship, summer school, etc.): Your achievements abroad can be recognised at the h_da and credited to your respective degree programme. The recognition must be discussed and bindingly agreed with the department before your stay abroad. For this purpose, the Learning Agreement serves as a binding contractual component of your scholarship contract.

When planning your semester abroad, check which courses and events are offered at the partner university and whether they can be recognised at h_da. Discuss this with your international representatives or examination committee chairpersons at an early stage. Complete your Online Learning Agreement accordingly and make sure that it is fully signed before the start of the semester abroad. The Online Learning Agreement is the basis for the crediting of foreign achievements that you apply for after your return.


Recognition Process in General

  • After returning from the semester abroad: Contacting the international representative and the examination board, submitting the Learning Agreement(s) and Transcript of Records from the partner university.
  • Recognition of achievements by the examination board and department entry in the h_da online portal “my.h-da”
  • Submission of my.h-da extract to the International Office of the h_da with marked credited achievements or Learning Agreement Section 3


Recognition Process SuK and Language Courses

  • Crediting of SuK (Social and Cultural Sciences) achievements: Contact Prof. Kai Schuster directly and independently when preparing the Learning Agreement. After completing the online Learning Agreement, students submit a printed confirmation e-mail from Prof. Schuster to the international representatives, in which he confirms the recognition of the named courses.
  • Crediting of language courses (Language Centre): Crediting in the department is generally possible. Foreign languages that are not listed in the Language Centre's programme can also be credited. Important: After returning from your semester abroad, apply for recognition of the language courses according to the examination regulations. Before the credit can be awarded in the department, have the Language Centre check whether the work done can be credited. To do this, you must present the module description and transcript to the Language Centre. The Language Centre will then make a recommendation on the recognition of the achievements. However, it is not responsible for recognition. The department/examination board is ultimately responsible.


Grade Conversion

Depending on the grading system at your partner university, the local grades may have to be converted into the German grading system before your work abroad can be recognised. The departments can use the conversion table and the Bavarian formula of the General Examination Regulations to help with this matter.


Insurance Cover

No insurance cover is associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant. Neither the EU Commission, the DAAD nor the Hochschule Darmstadt are liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with Erasmus+ stays abroad.

You are obligated to inform yourself sufficiently about the requirements and general circumstances in the host country and to ensure that you have sufficient insurance cover.
In any case, you should be in possession of a European Health Insurance Card. This free card gives access to medically necessary public health services in EU countries, as well as in the UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, under the same conditions and costs as apply to citizens of the respective country.


Recommended Insurances for the Erasmus+ Semester Abroad:

  • Health insurance abroad (if necessary, check for pandemic cover)
  • Travel insurance (including repatriation from abroad)
  • Insurance for accidents and serious illnesses (including full or partial incapacity for work)


You have the opportunity to be included in the DAAD's group insurance, which offers comprehensive insurance cover.

You can finance insurance costs from the Erasmus+ mobility grant, but there is no direct cost coverage by the Erasmus+ programme.